Reduce the workload in examination preparation through using Qwiller’s carefully designed English Year 10 Examination Papers. This paper is generic in nature and is suitable for all schools.
Provided in Word & PDF format, each paper includes:
- 1 1/2 hour paper
- Word document so can be adapted to suit you school’s needs
- marking guidelines, including sample answers for Section 1
- writing sections within the paper.
Exam structure:
- Section 1: Short answer questions – questions about language forms and features for an accessible text, such as a poem, short story extract or visual text
- Section 2: Creative writing task – students respond to a stimulus or question
- Section 3: Response to literature – students respond to a question about narrative elements in the novel studied in the year
Note: These papers are secure and can be downloaded from your Qwiller account once teacher verification process has been undertaken.
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